Elevator Overspeed Governor: An Important Safety Feature

  • Haberler
  • Elevator Overspeed Governor: An Important Safety Feature
  • E-elevatorshop
  • 15/03/2023
Elevator Overspeed Governor: An Important Safety Feature

Elevators have become an integral part of modern buildings, making it easy for people to travel between different floors. With the increasing use of elevators, it has become important to ensure their safety. One important safety feature that is installed in elevators is the overspeed governor. In this article, we will discuss what an elevator overspeed governor is, how it works, and its importance in ensuring elevator safety.

What is an Elevator Overspeed Governor?

An elevator overspeed governor is a safety device that is installed in an elevator to prevent it from moving at an excessive speed. The overspeed governor is designed to activate in case the elevator's speed exceeds the safe operating limits, ensuring that the elevator comes to a safe stop.

How does it work?

The overspeed governor consists of a centrifugal governor, which is connected to the elevator's drive mechanism. The centrifugal governor is a device that uses centrifugal force to regulate the speed of the elevator. It has two weights that are connected to the elevator's cables. The weights spin around a central axis, and when the elevator's speed exceeds a certain limit, the weights move outwards, causing the governor to activate.

When the governor is activated, it sends a signal to the elevator's control system, which immediately applies the brakes to the elevator. The brakes bring the elevator to a safe stop, preventing it from crashing or going beyond the safe operating limits.

Importance of Elevator Overspeed Governor

The overspeed governor is an important safety feature in elevators, as it ensures that the elevator does not travel at excessive speeds. The overspeed governor prevents the elevator from accelerating beyond the safe operating limits, which could cause the elevator to crash or derail.

An overspeed condition can occur due to various reasons, such as a malfunctioning control system, a mechanical failure in the elevator's drive system, or an overload condition. Without the overspeed governor, an overspeed condition could lead to a catastrophic failure of the elevator, causing severe injury or even death to passengers.

In addition to preventing overspeed conditions, the overspeed governor also ensures that the elevator is not subjected to excessive wear and tear. When an elevator travels at high speeds, it puts a lot of strain on the drive system, cables, and other components. The overspeed governor prevents the elevator from operating at speeds that could cause premature failure of these components.


The overspeed governor is an essential safety feature in elevators, ensuring that they do not travel at excessive speeds. The governor prevents the elevator from exceeding the safe operating limits, preventing catastrophic failures that could result in severe injuries or even death to passengers. As such, it is critical to ensure that the overspeed governor is installed and maintained correctly in all elevators. Regular inspections and maintenance of the elevator's overspeed governor are necessary to ensure that it is functioning correctly and providing the required safety protection.